Pierce College Tower



Brahma Jobs Logo

is a free online job and internship board available to current students and alumni provided by Los Angeles Pierce College in collaboration with College Central.

The BrahmaJOBS site is for the listing of bona fide full-time, part-time, internship, and seasonal positions by small and large businesses, government agencies, nonprofit organizations, or on-campus employers.  Please note that we are in transition and will be in contact with employers once we have a new webpage.  Thank you for your patience.

All employers posting jobs on BrahmaJOBS must adhere to Equal Employment Opportunity Commission anti-discrimination laws and regulations. Positions that request donations, fees, or investments or are items or services for sale cannot be listed on BrahmaJOBS.

We reserve the right to refuse BrahmaJOBS service to employers and contacts of employers due to any of the following:

  • Requiring at the time of application personal information from applicants such as bank account, social security numbers
  • Requiring or requesting donations, fees, investments
  • Postings that are items or services for sale cannot be listed
  • Misrepresentation by dishonest information or absence of information
  • Fraud
  • Harassment of Pierce College students, alumni, or staff
  • Breach of confidentiality
  • Failure to adhere to Career Center Employer guidelines and/or any other violation of Pierce College rules and regulations
  • Failure to comply with EEOC laws

The Pierce College Career Center follows NACE's definition and criteria for Internships:

  1. The experience must be an extension of the classroom: a learning experience that provides for applying the knowledge gained in the classroom. It must not be simply to advance the operations of the employer or be the work that a regular employee would routinely perform.
  2. The skills or knowledge learned must be transferable to other employment settings.
  3. The experience has a defined beginning and end, and a job description with desired qualifications.
  4. There are clearly defined learning objectives/goals related to the professional goals of the student's academic coursework.
  5. There is supervision by a professional with expertise and educational and/or professional background in the field of the experience.
  6. There is routine feedback by the experienced supervisor.
  7. There are resources, equipment, and facilities provided by the host employer that support learning objectives/goals.

For more information, go to NACE's

Step 1. You must register and be approved in order to post jobs and conduct resume searches

  • Go to
  • Select the Employers icon. Read the information on the second screen
  • Choose the link for Register Now. Enter registration information and create an Access ID
  • Once approved by our office, you will receive an email notification confirming your Access ID and informing you of your Password

Step 2. Using the CCN Recruitment Services for Employers once approved:

  • Go to
  • Next, click the link to Login to Your Account
  • Enter your Access ID and assigned Password.

From your account page, you may:

Update or Review Registration Information
Please keep your information up-to-date for the accuracy of our records.

Post a New Job
Please keep your information up-to-date for the accuracy of our records.

  • Give plenty of detail to make your postings attractive to students/alumni. You may cut and paste job descriptions. If posting part-time jobs, please list hours required.
  • Please list the city or area where the job is located to aid jobseekers.
  • You can edit the resume submission deadline date to best fit the job.
  • Be sure to list an email address in the contact information to receive resumes via the system. This also helps the students track their resume submissions.

Once you have posted a job, you can Post, Edit, Repost or Expire Job Postings

  • Post new job opportunities - it's unlimited and free.
  • Edit job postings as needed.
  • Repost expired jobs if they are still open or become open again.
  • Expire jobs when they have been filled so they come off view.

If approved for this feature, you can easily Search Student and Alumni Resumes

  • The more criteria you chose, the more limited your results will be.
  • Use the toolbar Back button to exit out of resumes opened in Internet Explorer.
  • Search Student and Alumni Portfolios

Please complete the Report Offers/Hires from your account page so we can be informed of our students' and alumni successful employment.

If you have questions, contact our office at: @email or at (818) 710-4126.